34: The Sermon as a Literal Conversation – An Interview with Rev. Brian Combs – Art of the Sermon
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Guest: Rev. Brian Combs – Pastor at The Haywood Street Congregation (Asheville, NC)
General Topic: Including Two-Way Conversation in Sermons
Introduction to Brian Combs (0:44)
Keeping the focus of the church (4:03)
Conversational preaching (7:08)
Evolution of Brian’s process (11:39)
Brian’s sermon preparation (12:56)
Giving everyone a chance to speak (15:17)
Encountering tangents (19:00)
Reactions in different contexts (22:17)
Tips for trying this style (27:39)
Challenging preaching experience (29:25)
Impactful preacher (32:50)
Recommended books and resources (34:22)
How to follow Brian (36:20)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
- The Haywood Street Congregation – Asheville, NC
- Howard Thurman
- Fred B. Craddock
- Dr. Rob Blackburn
- Peter J. Gomes
- Barbara Brown Taylor
- William Sloane Coffin
- Frederick Buechner
- Collegeville Institute
- Mary Oliver
- A Tribe Called Quest
Reaching out to our guest
Haywood Street Congregation
@HaywoodStreet (Twitter)
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Next Episode arrives March 2, 2017!
An Interview with Kenny Jahng, church communications expert
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com