A Litany for World Communion Sunday 2017
World Communion Sunday is a day celebrating the connection the Church shares around the world through the body of Christ. It falls on the first Sunday in October each year (October 1 in 2017).
Following the events in Charlottesville late in the summer, it is once again clear that the roots of racism and white supremacy have never gone away. And so this year, it is as critical as ever for our churches to proclaim with one voice that we are all sons and daughters of Christ, made in the image of God, and connected by the Gospel of grace.
Below is a litany that you can use in worship on World Communion Sunday. Be sure to also check out some additional resources for worship provided by UMC Giving.
Click here to download a PDF of this free resource.
A Litany for World Communion Sunday
In the midst of uncertain times, it is a good and right thing to remind ourselves not just of what could be but of what will be.
We worship the God who created time, and whose promises stand firm forever.
The Scriptures tell us that God’s eternal Kingdom will contain “a great crowd that no one could number. They [are] from every nation, tribe, people, and language.” (Revelation 7:9, CEB)
We worship the God who created every nation, tribe, people, and language out of love. And so God’s promise of grace is offered to all.
Following his death and resurrection, which we remember and celebrate through the practice of communion, and in his final words to us on earth, Jesus commissioned us to “go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19, CEB)
We worship the God who calls us from the sidelines and invites us into the work of the Kingdom. One of God’s blessings is the opportunity to join in the fulfilling of God’s promises.
As we break the bread and drink from the cup today, remind us that we do not do so in isolation. We are part of a universal and diverse Church that crosses every line the world uses to divide us.
We worship the God who is preparing for us a great heavenly banquet where one day we will all feast together. May our faith in God’s promises inspire us to build bridges in our community, our country, and across the world. Amen.