57: The Original Storyteller – An Interview with Robert Carnes – Art of the Sermon
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Guest: Robert Carnes – Author, Managing Editor for the Orange Group (Atlanta, GA)
General Topic: Elements for Storytelling
Introduction to Robert (0:32)
Philosophy of communication (5:07)
The Original Storyteller (6:45)
Why storytelling is important (10:03)
Why the recent focus on story? (13:18)
Context is key (15:50)
The missing element in many “church” stories (19:25)
Authentic resolution (23:16)
Guarding against manipulation (25:36)
Most challenging project (29:43)
Easter or Christmas Eve (31:51)
Impactful communicators (32:30)
Recommended resources (34:09)
How to follow Robert (36:06)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
- Robert Carnes’ Website
- The Original Storyteller Website
- The Original Storyteller: Become a Better Storyteller in 30 Days by Robert Carnes
- Think Orange
- Make-A-Wish® Georgia
- Church Marketing Sucks
- ChurchMag
- Sunday Magazine
- That Church Conference
- Created for More: 30 Days to Seeing Your World in a New Way by Jonathan Malm
- Jon Acuff
- Jeff Goins
- Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller
- Less Chaos. Less Noise.: Effective Communications for an Effective Church by Kem Meyer
- Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World by Gary Vaynerchuk
Reaching out to our guest
JamRobCar.com (Robert’s website)
OriginalStoryteller.com (The book’s website)
@JamRobCar (Facebook)
@JamRobCar (Twitter)
@JamRobCar (Instagram)
Share Your Favorite Quotes
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Next Episode arrives February 15, 2018!
An interview with Rev. Justin Coleman, Lead Pastor at University United Methodist Church (Chapel Hill, NC)
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com