026: Preaching as a Tool for Unity – Part 2 with Bishop Ken Carter – Art of the Sermon
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Guest: Bishop Ken Carter, Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church and President-Elect of the UMC Council of Bishops
General Topic: Preaching as a tool for unity
The role of preaching in times of conflict (1:11)
Wesleyan theology in today’s world (5:30)
Preaching in fresh expressions of the Church (7:35)
Favorite and most challenging preaching experiences (10:08)
Impactful preachers and communicators (12:00)
Influential books (13:00)
Recommended preachers (15:02)
How to follow Bishop Carter’s work (17:35)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church
The UMC Council of Bishops
Fresh Expressions Movement in Florida
This American Life
Poking Holes in the Darkness by Ken Carter
John Claypool
Earnest Campbell
William Sloane Coffin
Flannery O’Connor
Just Say the Word by Robert Jacks
Richard Lischer
John Wesley
Karl Barth
William Barber
The Moth
Reinhold Nieburh
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Deliverance to the Captives by Karl Barth
Shaking of the Foundations by Paul Tillich
A Ray of Darkness by Rowan Williams
Barbara Brown Taylor
Bishop Greg Palmer
Reaching out to our guest
@BishopKenCarter (Twitter)
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Next Episode arrives November 3, 2016!
An interview with Kristen Soltis Anderson, Co-Founder of Echelon Insights and Political Contributor to ABC News
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com