Art of the Sermon Episode 8: The Artist Preacher – An Interview with Rev. Sarah Heath, Part 2
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Guest: Rev. Sarah Heath – Teaching/Preaching Site Pastor at Shepherd of the Hills UMC in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Topic: The Artist Preacher
Toughest and favorite preaching experiences (0:38)
Awkward moment: microphones and women’s clothing (7:42)
Choosing to answer honestly (9:14)
The relationship of identity and calling to ordination (12:34)
Preaching is a gift (17:41)
Impactful preachers/communicators (18:35)
Impactful books (22:54)
Impactful podcasts/videos/sermons (24:21)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
“I Am a Pastor” — Sarah Heath
Anne Lamott
Scary Close — Donald Miller
Storyline — Donald Miller
Steal Like an Artist — Austin Kleon
News From Lake Wobegon Podcast — Garrison Keillor
Science Mike
Rising Strong — Brené Brown
NT Wright Commentaries
New Interpreters Commentaries
Animate Curriculum
“Meditation” — The Liturgists Podcast
Poets, Prophets, Preachers — Rob Bell
Reaching out to our guest
@RevSarahHeath (Twitter)
@RevSarahHeath (Instagram)
Next Episode arrives February 4, 2016!
Interview with Rev. Brian Johnson, Senior Pastor at Tomoka UMC in Ormond Beach, FL
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com