First Things Are First But Not First

First Things Are First But Not First

The first things are so important–the first chords, first words, first lines. In fact, they are so important, we may not want to craft them first.

Filling the Clear Pitcher

Filling the Clear Pitcher

When you’re feeling stuck creatively, especially due to limitations and boundaries, maybe it is time to grab a clear pitcher and give yourself 30 minutes.

Pray As You Go Podcast

Pray As You Go Podcast

Check out the “Pray As You Go” podcast for a 10-13 minute daily guided prayer time with music, Scripture, and questions for reflection.

99% Invisible: Thomassons

99% Invisible: Thomassons

What qualifications do you really need to fulfill a calling? What happens if an opportunity presents itself out of the blue? Explores these questions through the story of the “designated survivor” who would become President if the worst happens during the State of the Union speech.

This American Life: Commander in Brief

This American Life: Commander in Brief

What qualifications do you really need to fulfill a calling? What happens if an opportunity presents itself out of the blue? Explores these questions through the story of the “designated survivor” who would become President if the worst happens during the State of the Union speech.

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