Art of the Sermon Podcast
“Art of the Sermon” is a show for preachers, teachers, and communicators. My aim is to make a show for leaders in ministry–formally or informally, inside or outside the church–who have an interest in preaching/public speaking and church communication.
The primary format for this show is the interview. This allows us to engage with a wide-range of guests on many different aspects of preaching, teaching, and communication. While many of the guests are pastors and preachers, I also believe it is important to learn from those outside the profession of preaching who have something to teach us.
Use the links below to connect with the show and send in your feedback. I would love to hear what you’re learning, what has made an impact for you, and if you have any guests you would love to hear on the podcast!
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All Episodes

61: Success and Failure – An Interview with Rev. Matt Miofsky – Part 2 – Art of the Sermon
Rev. Matt Miofsky is the founding and lead pastor of The Gathering in St. Louis. MO. In part 2 of this 2-part interview, Matt talks with us about assessing, understanding, and responding to success and failure in preaching.

60: Preaching and Church Growth – An Interview with Rev. Matt Miofsky – Part 1 – Art of the Sermon
Rev. Matt Miofsky is the founding and lead pastor of The Gathering in St. Louis. MO. In part 1 of this 2-part interview, Matt talks with us about the relationship between preaching and church growth.

59: The Prayer Wheel – An Interview with David Van Biema – Art of the Sermon
David Van Biema is an author and the former Head Religion Writer for Time. David joins us to share about the rediscovery of a mysterious long-lost medieval prayer tool that can once again guide us today.

58: Identity and Preaching – An Interview with Rev. Justin Coleman – Art of the Sermon
Rev. Justin Coleman is the lead pastor of University United Methodist Church in Chapel Hill, NC. Justin joins us to talk about how his upbringing and identity have shaped his preaching and leadership.

57: The Original Storyteller – An Interview with Robert Carnes – Art of the Sermon
Robert Carnes is an author and the Managing Editor for the Orange Group in Atlanta, GA. Robert joins us today to talk about the elements and power of storytelling and his new devotional “The Original Storyteller.”

56: Breaking the First Rule of Preaching – Art of the Sermon
Preaching classes, textbooks, and workshops recommend that we start our sermons with something compelling—a story, joke, fact, or question. But some of the best communicators in the church break this rule all the time. This episode explores when and how to do that effectively.

55: Living for Another – An Interview with Brent Gambrell – Art of the Sermon
Brent Gambrell is President of Brent Gambrell Ministries in Nashville, TN, and the author of the new book “Living for Another.” Brent joins us today to talk about why self-help preaching is the opposite of what we should be doing.

54: 2017 Year in Review – Art of the Sermon
We take a look back at some of the most interesting moments from the show’s second year!

53: Songwriting and the Art of Christmas – An Interview with Ryan O’Neal (Sleeping At Last) – Art of the Sermon
Ryan O’Neal is the singer/songwriter behind Sleeping At Last. Ryan joins us to talk about his songwriting process and Christmas through the eyes of an artist.

52: The Grace of Dogs – An Interview with Andrew Root – Art of the Sermon
Andrew Root is the Olson Baalson Associate Professor of Youth and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. Andrew joins us today to talk about the writing process and heart behind his new book “The Grace of Dogs.”